Thanks everyone for your replies! (Especially you, Stealth!) I have a lot to read and digest before I broach this with hubby again!
Mrs. Witness
JoinedPosts by Mrs. Witness
Where's the Great Crowd?
by Mrs. Witness insorry if this has been discussed ad nauseum, but i'm at work and don't have time to search...i'm having a discussion (argument) with my jw hubby about the location of the great crowd.
we've looked at rev.
4 through 7 and he agrees with me that everything is in heaven "before the throne" until we get to the great crowd... does anyone have any easy-to-understand comments on this subject?
Where's the Great Crowd?
by Mrs. Witness insorry if this has been discussed ad nauseum, but i'm at work and don't have time to search...i'm having a discussion (argument) with my jw hubby about the location of the great crowd.
we've looked at rev.
4 through 7 and he agrees with me that everything is in heaven "before the throne" until we get to the great crowd... does anyone have any easy-to-understand comments on this subject?
Mrs. Witness
Sorry if this has been discussed ad nauseum, but I'm at work and don't have time to search...I'm having a discussion (argument) with my JW hubby about the location of the great crowd. We've looked at Rev. 4 through 7 and he agrees with me that everything is in heaven "before the throne" until we get to the great crowd... Does anyone have any easy-to-understand comments on this subject? Or perhaps can link me to an old thread?
Reasoning with spouses using the 09/07 KM article
by sir82 ini am still working on my wife, some progress is being made, but it is slow going.. here is how i plan to reason with her regarding the 9/07 km article on "non-endorsed" methods of study.
feel free to use or adapt yourself, if you are in a similar situation.. .
suppose that one day a stranger calls the house when i am not at home.
Mrs. Witness
Fabulous analogy! I love it! I plan on using it!!
Keep up the good work!!
Mrs. Witness
Use Catholic Abuse Settle to Attack JWs re:KN #37 & JW Abuse Cases
by Seeker4 ini was thinking earlier of how the recent mega-million dollar catholic settlement in la is an ideal opportunity, in letters to the editor in local newspapers, to highlight the hypocrisy of the witnesses in how they have handled similar abuse cases.
a couple of points that might be useful to make this applicable anywhere: .
1. in the kingdom news #37 tract distributed around the country last fall.
Mrs. Witness
I emailed our local NBC affiliate the link to the story and emailed CNN with a story idea. My husband was watching the Catholic Church story on CNN the other night and I wanted to scream at him that his crazy sect was just as guility!!!! But I knew I'd only get the "they're human" argument! Keep getting the story out there guys!
Rollerdave returns to the KH!
by RollerDave inwell folks, it had to happen, i returned to the kingdom hall.. or at least to its parking lot.. but not to worry my little jwd'ers, my return was in true rollerstyle!.
i had dropped off my mom a few days previous when she made some remarks that steamed me, i had felt she was talking through her teeth, but i now know i could only have been half right.. she calls and rambles a while, then directs me to keep her teeth safe.
after i got the explanation for this cryptic remark from her i go and investigate..... there, on my bathroom counter, next to the tushie-cleanliness paraphernalia, is an unexplained white plastic container which contained my mother's lower plate.. smelled 'minty.'.
Mrs. Witness
Too funny, man! I want an aposta-truck!
My Husband is Lost to THEM
by Mrs. Witness ini need some support, some suggestions, and perhaps a gut-check.
my husband was baptized in march.
he was raised from the time he was about 7 until his mom kicked him out at 15 (wasn't she loving?
Mrs. Witness
Thanks for the book Scully!
My Husband is Lost to THEM
by Mrs. Witness ini need some support, some suggestions, and perhaps a gut-check.
my husband was baptized in march.
he was raised from the time he was about 7 until his mom kicked him out at 15 (wasn't she loving?
Mrs. Witness
Words of Wisdom garybuss! We had a huge fight after one of our therapy sessions and I ended up screaming at him "your religion is just another addiction". I think that is the way to go! Fix his addiction problem and maybe he will see the light!
Thanks for the suggestion, Jeff. I've read both Crisis & Christian Freedom. They were two of my first forays into the JW world. I asked him to read it and tried to read to him from it and he threatened to burn it. I then said "well, there's enought WT literature in this house to start a bonfire...want to get the matches?" It's in my dresser drawer and he knows right where it is...he's too busy reading the WT crap to even think about reading anything else...he's trying to be Super Witness!
Again: Thanks everyone for your posts!
My Husband is Lost to THEM
by Mrs. Witness ini need some support, some suggestions, and perhaps a gut-check.
my husband was baptized in march.
he was raised from the time he was about 7 until his mom kicked him out at 15 (wasn't she loving?
Mrs. Witness
Thank you so much everyone for your posts! One tidbit I forgot is that we are in counselling right now. It's funny to watch the therapist's face when my hubby is talking. Last night she hit the nail on the head that he's defined himself by his religion, uses it as a filter, and speaks a different language than I do because of that.
I so agree with you about lying! I found out he was using WT literature with my daughter (after I forbade it) and about lost my mind. So I said, if you are REALLY a Christian, all you need is the bible when you witness and I backed an elder into the same corner with that argument. Neither one could tell me that they HAVE to use their "bible aids" because it would have exposed them as non-Christians. Hmm.
Anyway, thanks again! I'll be back with more!
My Husband is Lost to THEM
by Mrs. Witness ini need some support, some suggestions, and perhaps a gut-check.
my husband was baptized in march.
he was raised from the time he was about 7 until his mom kicked him out at 15 (wasn't she loving?
Mrs. Witness
Hello. I need some support, some suggestions, and perhaps a gut-check. My husband was baptized in March. He was raised from the time he was about 7 until his mom kicked him out at 15 (wasn't she loving? I guess protecting her younger two at the expense of her oldest was more important!...but I digress). He was away from it for some 20+ years and during those years had trouble with alcoholism and drug use. When we got together, I said "no more drugs & booze". He quit. He never talked to me about his desire to be JW again until OUR HONEYMOON (he is a chess player...can you say 'checkmate'?). I've never been a JW and have opposed it from the start...vehemently after my research. He dabbled on his own for a month or so but couldn't handle me and my daughter (from a previous relationship) attending the Methodist church I attended as a child. He broke down one night and said "no more religion". I agreed and we stopped going anywhere. Some time later, we decided to get pregnant. About 10 months after the birth of our daughter, he decided he had to return. Long story short, here I am today: Mrs. Witness.
I took the advice from one of the posts (sorry, I can't remember whose suggestion it was but, thank you!) to read the book "Captives of a Concept". It is the best book I've read and goes at the Society from a totally non-religious view (by that I mean, offering an alternative or condeming them on scriptural interpretaion). I tried to start a conversation with my husband by saying "do you believe the WBTS is 'God's Organization'?". He said "yes". I said "when did Jesus choose them as his FDS?". He said 33 C.E. I said, "you've twisted my question". blah, blah, blah...he then said 1914 and I couldn't take it any more and yelled "1919!" then he said "yes, you're right".. DUH! Anyway, I hopefully have planted a seed but I need help and advice...he's gung-ho. Help!!
How Did Being Referred To As A Brother Or Sister Make You Feel?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #009933; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #009933; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> how did being referred to as a brother or sister make you feel?the term brother always reminded me of being in some militant or holy roller religion.
during my tenure as a jehovahs witness, i brought it to the elders attention to refer to .
me by using my first or last name when addressing me.
Mrs. Witness
"Having never been one, I wouldn't know... but I do know what it feels like being referred to as a "goat" by my mil, who is one." My hubby is JW and I am not. He calls everyone "brother this" and "sister that". He calls me "a bad association". I support his sorry but, feed him, clothe him, take care of everything, but because I don't subscribe to his jacked-up beliefs....I'm a BAD ASSOCIATION. I guess I should have made my screen name BAD ASS instead of Mrs. Witness...